What’s in a Surrogate Bump Box?

What our surrogates really want & need

Alcea offers third-trimester housecleaning, food delivery, a doula during labor or postpartum, and curated monthly bump boxes. But, you ask, what’s in a bump box?

When pregnant, what would help you get through the tough spaces? What goodies do you crave? What self-care items would you never buy yourself -- but would love to splurge on? Our carriers gave us the details, and we’ve taken note!

These are the answers from a few of our current carriers:

  • Meal Service

  • Surprise me!

  • Spa Service

  • Gift card to eat out

  • Gift card to Target

  • Gift card for school supplies

And what have we already included in our bump boxes? Things like candles and lotions, flowers, jammies, a pineapple necklace for good luck, numbing cream, "rear" heating pad, lavender relaxing shower steamers, and of course PREGNANCY TESTS! These small touches make Alcea decidedly different.

Surrogate-owned agencies remember the things that matter and want to take care of what you need, without any extra expense to your amazing Intended Parents. See why so far, 100% of carriers who have carried for Alcea one time, plan to do so again.

Learn more about surrogacy

The Alcea website is filled with resources for you to better understand the commitment and benefits of becoming a surrogate. If you are interested in learning more, please click on one of the links below or click here to set up a time to speak with one of our team members.

See if you qualify to become a surrogate

Read our ebook - Surrogacy: Everything you need to know about becoming a gestational carrier

Explore the surrogate process

Learn more about surrogate compensation


5 Tips for Intended Parents’ First Surrogacy Consultation


Match Update: October 2021