Change someone’s life, forever.

Making a transformative commitment.

We assign a dedicated surrogacy support manager to lead you through every stage of the process. We also send out personalized monthly “Bump Boxes” to pamper you during your pregnancy and provide holistic support.

No other agency supports surrogates like Alcea.

You will start with the pre-screening process to see if you qualify to become a surrogate. Requirements are rigorous to ensure the best chance at conception and a full-term pregnancy. The path of a surrogate will be full of joy, purpose and challenges.

How surrogacy works.

In order to establish a biological connection to their child, intended parents may elect to use IVF. Through this process they can use their own eggs and/or sperm. Or they may also use an egg and/or sperm donor if desired. In IVF, the eggs are fertilized in an IVF facility outside of the surrogate’s body.

When fertilized, the embryo (or embryos) is transferred to the surrogate body. Once it is approved that the carrier’s body is responding favorably, the doctor will approve medications to cease so the pregnancy can progress naturally.