How To Choose the Right Surrogate

I'll start by being frank. 

I can barely decide what bagel I want from the deli in the morning. Deciding what to wear is hard, and don't even get me started on picking out cereal. Picking things is hard, and selecting the person you trust with having your child is the hardest thing in the world. 

But it doesn't have to be. 

If your agency is doing its job right (which ours does), you will be matched up with someone who shares your views on the Gestational Carrier (GC) process. Views on embryo transfer, termination, communication, geographic location (that rhymed) are all factors that determine a potential carrier-intended parent match. Still, it’s not as if you're just thrown to the wolves with the first surrogate that happens to be in your city.

It all starts with a virtual meeting.

A face-to-face connection can mean everything, and if you're like me, you know you like someone right when you meet them. If you're not like me, the time you have to ask them every question under the sun should more than make up for it. 

Why does a surrogate want to carry? Do we want to have a postpartum relationship? Anything and everything you want to know about your surrogate should be put out there; shyness be damned! You need to know the ins and outs of the person you're trusting, and we're here to give you the time and resources to do so. 

It’s not always like at first sight.

If you don't mesh- that's okay! Alcea is prepared to keep looking until you've found your person because this isn't the time to compromise. Some of our intended parents say that the second they met their surrogate, the world stopped; they just knew. Others tell us it took weeks, and they were unsure and worried. Mileage varies, but we won't rest till you know you've made the right choice.

Interested in learning more about becoming a parent through surrogacy? Contact us to begin the consultation process.

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No matter where you are in your journey, the Alcea website is filled with comprehensive resources for Intended Parents, to help you to understand the process.

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5 Tips for Intended Parents’ First Surrogacy Consultation