Alcea Surrogacy

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Ask an Alcea Surrogate

Prospective carriers ask amazing questions about what types of things are appropriate for carriers to expect from their intended parents and what kinds of boundaries experienced surrogates have set to set the stage for a smooth and fulfilling surrogacy journey.

We asked a few of our current & past carriers and here are their responses:

”I did not want a professional relationship. While it is not prudent to expect (or demand) a certain level of after-birth contact, I was clear that if everyone was comfortable and things evolved organically, I would really appreciate an occasional update on how things were going in the future.”

”I was clear I would only transfer one embryo, regardless of quality or extenuating circumstance. This was a hard limit for me.”

”For me, I was adamant that I have a doula so that when the IPs were enjoying their new baby, I had someone to advocate for me.”

”Having a gay couple was very important to me because seeing my queer friends struggle to have a family, this was why I decided to become a surrogate in the first place.”

”I wanted to see profiles of women who had struggled or experienced loss as a tribute to my sister who experienced this painful reality. My nephew is why I am a surrogate.”

”I wanted IPs who would not want to terminate for downs as I have a special relationship with someone with downs and she is the most amazing person.”

”I wanted intended parents who wanted to be very involved in the pregnancy and welcomes updated.”

”Surrogates and intended parents should always advocate for their needs and boundaries. Alcea understands, supports, and matches with all these things in mind. Intended parents were willing to trust me and my decision-making for pregnancy, labor, and delivery was a boundary for me. (obviously, I will also listen to my doctor and make safe decisions).”

What questions do YOU have for our surrogates?

The Alcea website is filled with resources for you to better understand the commitment and benefits of becoming a surrogate. If you are interested in learning more, please click on one of the links below or click here to set up a time to speak with one of our team members and ask all of your burning questions!

Read our ebook - Surrogacy: Everything you need to know about becoming a gestational carrier

Explore the surrogate process

Learn more about surrogate compensation

See if you qualify to become a surrogate