Alcea Surrogacy

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The Pros & Cons of Choosing to go with Surrogacy

The Pros & Cons of Choosing to go with Surrogacy

You are ready to build your family. However, the information surrounding family-building is overwhelming, confusing, and often one sided. It might be helpful to begin you look into surrogacy by addressing a few common questions and concerns.

The Pros of Surrogacy for Intended Parents and Surrogates

Surrogacy is an increasingly popular option for those who seek alternative methods of building their family. As surrogacy continues to grow, it becomes all the more important that surrogates and intended parents have extensive support throughout the duration of their journey from their agency. At Alcea, many of our staff have had the experience of being a surrogate. This provides a unique understanding of what surrogates go through, and allows for a listening ear and expertise that can be comforting to both intended parents and their surrogates. More broadly, the many benefits of surrogacy are evident regardless of what side of the journey you are on.

To start, surrogacy through an Alcea ensures peace of mind through legality, comfrotability, and safety. All parts of the process are documented and signed off on. There are no mysteries about expectations and what your relationship looks like with the surrogate. We prioritize all parties of the journey to ensure everyone feels fairly represented.

Additionally, intended parents and surrogates themselves can work with the agency to define the parameters of the relationship throught the duration of the journey. Some may choose to have a closer relationship with the other party and others may not; however, all will be heard when deciding on the logistics of a surrogate-intended parent relationship. Sometimes these parameters won’t even need to be verbally defined. Feelings on may change over time as ysurrogates and intended parents get to know each other. Regardless, Alcea ensures that comfortability and respect lead the way of every surrogacy journey.

There are so many mor reasons why surrogacy is a wonderful option for families and surrogates alike. For intended parents, surrogacy provides them the tools needed to create their family. For surrogates, many enjoy the experience of being pregnant. All sign on willingly and happily, excited to bring an intended parent’s child into the world.

The Potential Cons of Surrogacy

Surrogacy is a complex process and can at times be overwhelming. Although surrogacy can be a wonderful option for some intended parents, it may not always be the right choice for everyone. There are many medical procedures, specific legalities, and even psychological implications that can accompany a surrogacy journey. However, the stress of surrogacy can be reduced by working with a trusted agency like Alcea. We make sure to simplify the process and

do the majority of the heavy lifting so that you can simply enjoy the journey. Still, there are some factors to consider before moving froward.

Surrogacy can be expensive and financial concerns are important to consider. In recognizing this, Alcea’s ethical-first approach to agency management includes one comprehensive agency cost. Additionally, Alcea is the only agency that offers inclusive surrogate care services like monthly bump boxes and doula care. With a total expected cost of approximately $130,000 (plus the costs of creating embryos, if applicable), Alcea understands the potential weight of these numbers. As such, we are committed to transparency and an upfront understanding of our pricing. Our team of experts offer sliding scale agency assistance to do our part in making surrogacy more accessible.

Finally, surrogacy requires you to let go of some sense of control. When dealing with the unexpected during a surrogacy journey, it is absolutely essential to set up clear communication with your agency. When you communicate, listen, and lean on your agency, you can trust that your needs will be supported. At this point, the anxiety you feel during the process can be somewhat alleviated by the network of people working to make your journey as smooth as possible.

So Now What?

Your first step is to research surrogacy agencies and weigh all your options. We even recommend making a pros and cons list for every agency. Everyone has different needs and not all agencies are the right fit for you.

Should you find that Alcea is the right fit for you–schedule a consultation! Our team can help to answer all of your questions, walk you through the process of beginning your surrogacy journey, and even address concerns or fears. We appreciate the unique perspective of our intended parents and would be humbled to partner with you on your journey of expanding your family.

Whether you are looking for full-service surrogacy support, a simple fertility consultation, or are interested in private client management inclusive of all your needs, we can help.