Open Door & Family Equality

Support for LGBTQ+ Families

Open Door is a program focused on training professionals in family-building so that they may be best equipped to support the LGBTQ+ community. With a few different modules to guide employers and practices alike, the Open Door program pays special attention to diversity and inclusivity while providing continued education for professionals in family building.

The program itself was created and established by Family Equality, a nonprofit organization looking to provide support to LGBTQ+ families and the community at large. On their website, Family Equality makes it known that they are dedicated to “equality for LGBTQ families, and for those who wish to form them, through building community, changing hearts and minds, and driving policy change.” 

Family Equality and Open Door work to create safe spaces by participating in educational and legal realms while valuing equality and diversity. To provide professionals and families with the resources, they need the Open Door Program offers several modules that address inclusivity, terminology, identity, and fertility. Their modules focus on providing accurate and vital information to serve the community best. 

Doing our part

Alcea is proud to partner with Family Equality and Open Door and continues to prioritize the importance of creating--and maintaining-- spaces for the LGBTQ+ community. Family building and all that comes with it should continue to be accessible, inclusive, and diverse. The success of these values lies in the continued education and accountability of the professionals at the forefront--- Family Equality’s Open Door Program provides precisely that.

Learn more about Family Equality and Open Door.


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