Alcea Surrogacy

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A Chance for the 1 in 8

The loves of my life

Unimaginable, heart-bursting joy so intense that you have to experience it yourself to truly know what it feels like. A brand new love that is, at times, overwhelming in the best of ways. Pure bliss. That’s what I feel every single time I look at my little boys. I think of how they got here, and there’s not a single moment where I stopped and thought, “This was tough.” They came to me so easily. They came earthside so easily.

Seeing the 1 in 8

But one thing is always here in my mind: 1 in 8. That 1 who struggles with, one might even say suffers from, infertility. I do not personally know what it means to experience infertility, but my heart goes out to those who do. The woman who cries month after month every time the test comes back negative. The man who so desperately wants to be a father but is told he cannot make it happen on his own. My list goes on and on and on.

Everyone who wants to be a parent should get to feel the love and joy that I feel every second of every day. That is what I think about. That is what lingers in my mind. 1 in 8. I am but one person, what can I do to make a difference? Turns out, I could do something really big! My body had proved twice now that I was a perfect vessel for carrying babies and giving wonderful births, so I would go on to do it for the 1 who cannot.

My calling

I did my research and digging on the topic of gestational surrogacy for a little over two years. I knew I couldn’t go up to every person I knew who struggled with infertility and offer to carry their child, even though I REALLY wanted to, so I found the best surrogacy agency in the world: Alcea Surrogacy. I put it out in the universe that I was ready for my surrogate baby and their intended family, and left it in capable hands. Let me tell you, those hands delivered! I have had the pleasure of meeting one of the most wonderful ladies on the planet and create a genuine relationship with her and her family. And now, I get the privilege of carrying their baby and bringing it earthside. That is a story for another time!

Although I have never suffered from it, infertility is something that I am passionate about. I want to bring it to light. I want to take part in helping to overcome the struggle. I want to tell people that they have choices in how they become parents! I want to tell other people that they can also help in some way, no matter how big or small. Do a bit of research, share a blog like this one, donate your sperm and/or eggs, offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on for that friend or family member who is that 1 in 8, or reach out to a professional to see if YOU could be a gestational surrogate. We can make a difference.

To the 1 in 8, I see you and I love you. You’ve got this.